Cardiological Test, Nagykanizsa (Internal medicine) 1 clinics' services (44 Internist, 36 Gastroenterologist, 37 Dietetic, 37 Cardiologist, 38 Nephrologist, 36 Oncologist, 39 Pulmonologist, 36 Diabetologist)
Description, questions
The cardiac examination at the patient's physical condition after survey, a review of previous illness, family illness, the ECG is made complaints questioning.
Kristóf Med Egészségcentrum
Internist Dentist Gastroenterologist Proctologist Psychologist Dietetic Vascular surgeon Orthodontist Geneticist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Psychotherapist Pulmonologist Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon Diabetologist
8800 Nagykanizsa, Erzsébet tér 8.