24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring, Abpm, Nagykanizsa (Internal medicine) 1 clinics' services (44 Internist, 36 Gastroenterologist, 37 Dietetic, 37 Cardiologist, 38 Nephrologist, 36 Oncologist, 39 Pulmonologist, 36 Diabetologist)
Description, questions
Detection of daily blood pressure values are intended for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), in which a belt mounted or neck handset measuring blood pressure and heart rate in some periods. Blood pressure measures the volatility and effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy.
Kristóf Med Egészségcentrum
Internist Dentist Gastroenterologist Proctologist Psychologist Dietetic Vascular surgeon Orthodontist Geneticist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Surgeon Heart surgeon Psychotherapist Pulmonologist Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon Diabetologist
8800 Nagykanizsa, Erzsébet tér 8.